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JROTC Staff is a group of cadets, who help run and manage JROTC. They work on events, fundraisers, and more. These are the cadets who help make JROTC run.

Battalion OPSM C/MSG McClure
McClure Photo

My name is Nathan McClure. I am the Operations Sergeant Major for Central High School’s JROTC program. I enjoy camping and being in the outdoors. I am a concurrent student for WCCC’s welding program. I also do martial arts and Boy Scouts outside of school.

Battalion S-2
C/1LT Juarez
Juarez photo

My name is Jaiden Juarez I’m the s2. my favorite color is green. I control the arms room and make all the equipment pretty. I work at Qdoba.

Battalion S-5/6 Assistant
C/2LT Cooper

Cooper Photo
I'm Joseph Cooper, and I am the S-5/6 Assistant. I enjoy, acting and playing DnD with my friends. I'm really creative and I'm also the one who manages this webpage.

Battalion Executive Officer C/MAJ Golightly Golightly Photo
         I am Jayde Golightly, the Battalion Executive Officer. I am a junior in high school. My position is to be in charge of the battalion staff, I make sure that everything goes accordingly. My plans for after high school is to go into a ROTC program on a 4-year scholarship to help pay for school, and eventually become a veterinarian.

Battalion S-1 C/CPT Pitout
Pitout photo

My name is Shannon Pitout. I am the battalion S-1. My job is to ensure that all the paperwork for the battalion is taken care of. This includes promotion orders, award orders, and Battalion Cadet of the Month, Semester, and Year orders. After high school I will attend CMU for my undergraduates then move onto medical school where I will study anesthesiology.

Battalion S-2A Assistant
C/2LT Duncan

Ducan Photo
I'm Logan Duncan. I'm the S3 A. I assist the battalion commander in the preparation, conduct, and supervision of all training activities of the cadet battalion. Some things about me are that I love the outdoors. I go mountain biking, hiking, and camping most weekends. I also play video games and I'm on the air rifle team. I really suggest you join it.

Battalion S-3
C/CAP Clark

Clark Photo
My name is Kaelyn Clark, and I am the Battalion S-3. As the S-3, I write all of the WARNOS and OPORDS for the entire battalion. I let everyone know when events are happening, and what they need to do to prepare for these events. After high school, I plan to go to college to prepare for Vet School. I hope to become a veterinarian and maybe specialize in either ophthalmology or a different specialty I might be more interested in.

Battalion S-5/6
C/CPT Miller

Hello, I am Skye miller I am currently 16 years old I’ve been a competitive cheer and dancer since I was three years old. I am currently the S-5 and I help with fundraisers and events. In JROTC I am a First Lieutenant and I am a junior here at Central.