Sarah Graham & Andrea Sheeks-Suarez
Colorado English Language Assessment (CELA) Testing:
ESL students will participate in CELA testing in January of each year. Students are tested in the areas of Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. Test results will be sent home in early Spring.
English Language Acquisition Program - ESL:
Students who are learning English as a new language are identified through the home language survey on the registration form, the CELA placement test, and other assessments. Students qualifying for ESL receive at least 45 daily minutes of instruction. Additional instruction and support are given as needed. Students whose language skills and academic performance demonstrate proficiency are monitored for 2 years and may re-enter the ESL program if needed. Assessments used to determine language and content proficiency include the Colorado English Language Assessment (CELA), the Colorado Student Assessment Program (CSAP), and others, including classroom assessment.
Goals of the English as a Second Language Department:
The goal of the English as a Second Language (ESL) Department at Central High School is to provide the quality English instruction students need to acquire language skills and achieve academically. Research shows that students learning a new language may need from 5 to 10 years to reach proficiency in their new language, depending on how much education they have received in their home language.